My morning walk today has been delayed with yet more rain! This time however, it’s just a little thunder activity and should abate by noon. Last evening when I went out to pick up some dinner from the East Indian restaurant, I passed by a home with the cutest doggo out front! So as I’m house bound for a few hours, I’ll make a post about the adorable dogs of Puerto Morelos.

Adorable Dogs of Puerto Morelos

Okay lets start first by showing you that fella from last night! Isn’t he so sweet? He was just hangin’ in the road, not really a care in the world. What a goof ball.

A little background about me and dogs

Lets start with a little background. A few days ago I wrote a post about the local cats, I just had to show some pictures of how sweet they are. I mentioned my huge affinity for cats, how much I love them. Well my feelings for dogs are not quite the same.

Dog attack

When I was a little girl, I must have been about 12 years old, I was attached by a dog. I can remember certain parts vividly, right up until the dog broke flesh. After that, the memory is murky.

I was walking down the sidewalk in the little Arabian town we were living in at the time. Probably on my way home from school. As I’m walking past a house, a dog appears on the sidewalk about 15 feet in front of me. I stop dead in my tracks. He has immediately dropped the front of his body onto the ground with front paws stretched forward. The dog is baring his teeth, gnarling, lifting the front of his mouth and lashing his tongue. I was frozen. I did what my body told me to do. I turned and ran.

Well we all know that is the worst thing I could have done. But alas, it’s what my little child mind thought was correct in that moment. I remember hearing the dog run up behind me. I remember the feel of teeth and warmth as he bit into the back of my knee.

My next memory is in the hospital and having to get rabies shots because the dog could not be located for testing.

My feelings today

Since that day, I have always been leery of dogs, especially mid sized dogs. And if a dog runs towards me I freeze and panic immediately. As an adult I try to hide those feelings so I don’t look like a weirdo, but inside, I am electrified with fear.

I can’t say I love dogs. I will probably never own one. As an adult I find certain breeds utterly adorable. I can walk by most dogs and absolutely feel compassion and love for them as creatures. So many are reaaaallllyyy cute. And it’s my love of animals that has helped me see dogs in this light. So while I may never own a dog, I certainly am captivated by their cuteness. I’m fascinated by working dogs. I could watch border collies and hunting dogs for ages. I admire dogs and I find their antics hilarious.

Moving on to the topic at hand, Puerto Morelos dogs

Okay time to see some pictures of the doggo’s I have seen here in Po Mo. Look how cute!!

There are soooo many dogs here in Po Mo. Everywhere I have travelled in Mexico seems to be the same. It appears that many of the dogs are not necessarily pets but more used for protection of the home. They seem well cared for, are healthy and happy, going about their business. Some will bark like mad from the confines of their fences. This makes me nervous but they are just doing their jobs. Some simply watch me pass by. These are the ones I feel comfortable stopping and taking pictures of and even having a little convo with.

I’m sure as my time here in Mexico continues, I’ll take more photo’s of these fluffy bumpkins to show you.

Adios 🙂

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