My admiration of street art has been blossoming here in Bulgaria. There is an area called the Kapana District that is full of street art and murals. Just about every little street I wander down, I see unique paintings. But there is also a lot of graff. Let’s look at the graffiti in Plovdiv.

Like in most big cities, I think there will always be prolific tagging. Here in Plovdiv, that is no exception. The tags range in size from pen marks to life size, and are names and words that have no meaning for me, as I don’t read the language.

Bubble Letters
A fair amount of the graffiti and tagging are large bubble letters. I like seeing the variations in these types of letters between the countries I visit. Here in Plovdiv, the letters are generally taller and narrower than they were say in Split. Most are a simple single colour outlined in black.

I have not found a large amount of creative lettering and fonts. By this I mean letters that are dynamic, full of colour, shading and detail. Here are the few I have seen and love.

Again, like Split Croatia, I do not find hardly any pictorial graffiti. Most of what I see is letters, words, tagging and such. What I have most often seen in pictorial form, are very simplistic images of faces, eyes, cats and hands. Below are the best pictures I have found, and remember I have been here for a month now and this is all I have.
Using the main tourist area in the centre as my base or sorts, I have walked outward in every direction. Not having seen a large variation from district to district, I can conclude that what I have photographed is a fair representation for Plovdiv.

I am always on the lookout for graffiti, street art and murals of any shape or form. They are a fascinating depiction of a culture and its people, especially the younger generations. I think it is highly important to photograph these forms of art. They are temporary and valuable, and to me they are beautiful.