Morning Walk Finalllllyyyy

Its been four days of overcast skies and rain here in Puerto Morelos. I always start my day with a long walk each morning, and today was the first day that I have been able to do that since Christmas eve! Back home, life carries on in the rain, especially in an area where we have precipitation for 7-8 months of the year. One is kitted out with rain jackets, boots and brollies. Here in Mexico, I have no such kit. Even if I did, I’m not sure it would have helped given the ferocity of the torrential rain and wind gust that came through with this Norte. So this morning, it felt glorious to be outside and feel the sun on my Canadian skin again. And the cats were out in force today, they were everywhere, basking in the sunshine, just like moi. 🙂
Cats in the Colonias
I love most animals but cats hold a special place in my heart. Growing up, we always had at least one family cat on the go. When I became an adult and settled in my first apartment, you bet I got a cat. Six months before the birth of my last child, we got our last cat. She was a little thing, the runt, the last one of the litter picked, because she had a severe kink in her tail. We took her home and loved on her for 21 years!
Walking around each morning as I do, I have seen dogs galore! The cats however have been much more elusive. I don’t know what it was about this morning, perhaps being cooped up for 4 days like I was, they all had to be outside this morning, enjoying the dry sunny air. This photo beautifully captures my love of both of unique doors and cats!

That little stinker hiding under the door, came forth and was just sooooo sweet!
All of the cats that I have seen here in Puerto Morelos have looked perfectly healthy. They are thin and sleek, curious and alert. Many of them are quite skittish but some will approach me for a good dose of lovin. What surprises me is the number of Siamese cats, from the deep brown one in the first photo below to many that are almost white. They are absolutely stunning cats.

I hope in the days to come, that I have the opportunity to meet more of these fur balls. They sure make my heart feel happy.
Find me on Instagram @lyfe.abroad
Adios mi amigos.