I saw the foundations for a stage being erected last week and a huge sign went up shortly there after. Everything is in Bulgarian of course, which I cannot decipher, but the dates showed as June 14-18. Last night I went to check things out at what I think is called the Kapana Fest in Plovdiv.

The Kapana Fest in Plovdiv

Kapana Bazaar

Across from the area with the stage is a street fair of sorts, erected at the same time. During the day, I found so many fun things that one could purchase. Having sold art and crafts a loooong time ago in my life, I could relate to these vendors sitting there in the heat of the day peddling their wares.

I just knew cats are a big part of Plovdiv! It was evident in so many of the products I was seeing today.

Also available were LP’s, graphic T’s, pottery and jewellery of which I couldn’t resist a simple little bracelet.

Bow ties!
Hand decorated jackets and shoes
Coolest wooden sunglasses

When I returned to the fair in the evening, the lights were on overhead, providing a warm glow to the festivities below. Drinks were flowing, music was blaring, it had turned into a lively event!


As soon as I entered the area tonight, I noticed people dressed to the nine’s in period costume.

I had seen this in Rome but it was not on my radar at all for Plovdiv! What a spectacle, they were lovely. I followed this parade of people to the square in front of City Hall. There I watched sword fights and yelling of which I could not understand a word. 🤣


After finding some chow, an amazing doner type thing from Alex’s, I went back to the stage. (I’ll return on another post with the gyro story. 🫣) On stage tonight was an indie rock/pop band called Hug or Handshake…..I think.

Again, seeing no English anywhere, I walk around guessing about most things. If the Kapana program line-up has not changed, then this should have been who I saw perform. They were great! I think they are from Bulgaria and I loved being a part of the crowd enjoying their music.

What a fun day in Plovdiv. I walk around here, without plan or direction. Because there is such a language barrier, and very little to no English spoken or written, I feel unawares of so much surrounding me. I’m not complaining in any way, why should there be English here? It creates a unique experience for me though, one which I am surely enjoying. I just hope I am not missing out on anything. That would make me sad.

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