On May 7th every year, ‘The Day of the City of Split’ is celebrated in addition to the Feast of St. Domnius. Down at the Riva Waterfront is where I was checking out the Sudamja Fair which takes place at the same time. What a busy weekend!

The Riva
On the sea side of Old Town, or Diocletian’s Palace in Split is a gorgeous wide esplanade called the Riva Waterfront. Lined on one side with restaurants that spill out onto the sidewalk, there is a wide section down the middle, just for pedestrians. Next to this is a row of beautiful benches in a treed and flowered space. And outside of that is another pedestrian strip right at the waters edge.

The whole stretch is absolutely stunning and a lovely place to walk, exercise, dine or just hang out under the big blue Croatian sky.
Sudamja Fair
Once a year, in May, this year it was the 5th-7th, is the Sudamja Fair. Running in conjunction with the Feast of St. Domnius and The Day of the City of Split, there is a lot of activity all happening in one locale.

The fair itself happens mostly on the Riva Waterfront. Lining both sides of the pedestrian way, are booths of goods for sale. These are locally produced and Croatian products and are really quite interesting.
All Things Wood
It is tradition to purchase a wooden spoon on May 7th. But, if you don’t need a spoon there are a myriad of other wooden products that can be bought. No one knows why or when this tradition started, but its in full force. There are so many wood products for sale.
Food & Drink
Some vendors were selling preserved goods such as olives, sauces, fish and shellfish. Others had olive oil, alcohols and herbal remedies. Besides the food to take home, there was popcorn and loads of candy. It all looked so festive and fun!

Other Goods
There was such a variety of things available which is what made this fair so interesting. A blacksmith was selling pick axes, barbecues, pots and pans, and all sorts of amazing hand made metal objects. So cool.

Many stalls had jewellery of various types and styles. I saw hand made body products, soaps, lots of lavender items and even lace and embroidery.

I walked this Fair on Saturday not realizing what it actually was I was seeing. Coming from Canada, a fair is more like a carnival with rides etc. This was a new definition of ‘fair’ for me to experience.

Today I have seen the masses come down to the waterfront in the thousands, and totally overwhelm the vendors! Being a vendor myself, many, many years ago, I am so happy to know that they will all be going home tonight with full pockets. Being a sales person, especially if it is your own business can be exhausting and overwhelming. These beautiful people will be tired but happy at the end of this busy day.