Second leg of my trip today is MUC to SPU, my next destination! Croatia here I come! I am so excited to see this country that I have read much about. But first, lets get there!

MUC to SPU, My Next Destination!

MUC Terminal 2

I had a little over two hours wait time in Munich airport Terminal 2 before my next flight. A perfect amount of time to find something to eat, and explore the building.

From the moment I walked off the plane and into this terminal, it had Germany written all over it, in such a good way!

Walking down the corridor into the first big hub, there were self serve coffee and news paper stations along the way. For 2 Euro you could have a lovely hot cup of coffee.

The terminal was easy to navigate and not too crowded. It is impeccably clean, bright and modern.

Down into the hub or more central portion was a large shopping area with all things designer. From Hermes to Cartier, the shops were all present.


I was really hungry so my mind was on all things food. I walked past several places with good looking sandwiches and then stumbled onto Dallmayr. Oh my, the sandwiches in their cases looked incredible! Sold. I purchased the ‘Lye Stick with Juniper Ham’ and Oh dear, it was amazing. The bread was so squishy, chewy and salty, like a warm pretzel with delicious cheese, ham and cabbage. Man.

After eating that a little to quickly, I filled up my water bottle at the free water station. Not all airports have these, but I am really happy when one does. Rome for example, does not have any free water in the terminal.

Potential Hiccup

It has been fairly common that when I’m in a terminal, the display boards do not show gates until perhaps an hour at most, before the flight departure time. In Munich this was shortened to 30 minutes. So when looking at the board, it will state, ‘gate shown at 13:50’ for example for my 14:20 flight.

My gate ended up being in the ‘K’ section. J,K & L all needed a train trip from the central hub. Luckily, I was actively waiting for my gate information to appear at 13:50. I had plenty of time to reach the destination.

Train to gates

If you were shopping or eating though, and had waited to look for your gate, you might be in for a surprise at the length of time you need to get there. Especially when a train is involved.

When I made it to the train, the display was reading ’12 minutes’ from that point to the gate. I hope this is a good reminder for me to always try and be at the gate as early as possible, especially in an unfamiliar airport.

To Split

I flew Lufthansa again, on an Airbus A320neo. Beautiful aircraft and we were given a small bottle of water along with a piece of chocolate. Same as the previous flight.

The scenery over Croatia was stunning. Wow, what a beautiful coastline!


Landing in Split was just fine. A contingent of happy Italians at the back of the plane with me, all burst into applause. I am always amused when that happens. 😊

Split airport was not what I was expecting. Isn’t it funny when we get these ideas and pre-formed pictures in our heads and they are so wrong?

The airport is small. We were the only aircraft on the tarmac! Yet Split is the second largest city in the country.

We parked right up close to the beautiful glass building. I disembarked through the rear doors onto the tarmac, and walked into the terminal. After perhaps 1 minute inside the airport, I was already in the baggage claim area and then out the door.

It was that easy and simple.

Finding the Uber driver was not so easy, but that is a story for another day. 🙂

Yay I’m in Split!

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