It’s transit time again. I’m leaving Rome for now. It has been a wonderful time, spent enjoying the city in the spring season. Sometimes I wish I could see what an airport really looks like, especially if I’m going to have a long layover. Here is FCO to MUN, a look at Terminal 1 so readers can see what that space is actually like. I left Rome on a beautiful sunny day and landed in Munich Terminal 2 on an overcast and rainy day.

FCO to MUN, A Look at Terminal 1

FCO Terminal 1

Terminal 1 in Rome is a really beautiful space. It is truly easy to navigate and the area is vast. This time in the airport, I had a chance to explore a little, so I did some walking from one end to the other.

Most of the space, except some walkways are bright with high ceilings. It gives the space a modern and clean feel. Even when the airport is crowded, these elements help to alleviate the feeling of being a sardine squashed in a can.

There is a large shopping area in the middle or hub of this terminal. Several types of food are available as well as boutique and designer shops. The duty free here is enormous.

Look up, because there is an amazing foodie area, all things Italian on the upper floor! This space was surrounded by ready to eat and take away food, with a centre area for Italian groceries.

The prices were high, but if you are wanting to purchase some gifts, this would be a perfect area to do that in. I was browsing, and was so delighted with the packaging and displays. It made me want to purchase everything!

The Flight

This leg of my journey today was only 1 hour and 35 minutes flight time. The airport was crowded. I did find a place to grab a quick cappuccino and cream cornetto for 4.65 Euro. Delicious.

The flight was on an Airbus A321 with Lufthansa and was uneventful, which is good for flying. 😊

Hand to craft Lufthansa A321

Scenery on route was gorgeous, especially flying over the alps. I always enjoy seeing these stunning mountains from above.

Waiting for a runway spot
FCO from above
Passing another jet

Landing into Munich was smooth. I have a 2 plus hour layover here in Terminal 2, so it will be great to find something to eat, and explore this airport.


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