Yesterday I wrote a post about this outdoor market and what I found for sale that was unrelated to anything edible. Today I must continue writing about the Tianguis Libramiento, the amazing food and produce that I saw and purchased.

Fruits & Vegetables
I went to this market with the intention of purchasing the produce that I needed for the week. Was I ever impressed with what I found! There were three distinct vendors selling local, fresh and beautiful products from the surrounding farms.

After having a look at all three tents, which were completely separate from one another, I chose the one that looked the busiest. Being so popular tells me one of two things, either the prices are really good, or the quality is really good. Perhaps both!
The selection of fruits and vegetables was amazing. I found everything I was looking for. The smell of all of that fresh food under the tents was incredible. With items being picked at their peak, the colours, and scents were a joy to absorb.

This was my haul. The total cost was $83 pesos or $6.22 CAD.

I cannot wait to make some authentic pico de gallo and cook up a big pot of chicken soup loaded with veg. The other day I purchased a rotisserie chicken which has served me for four dinners. Today I will simmer the bones, making a rich stock. I’ll add some veg and pasta and it will be a perfect meal for another few dinners.
Other Food Products
A vendor was selling beautiful looking products from bees. From honey to tinctures to large bags of soft dark brown almost black stuff. I have seen this before, but have no idea what it is. I will return to this post one day when I find out what this substance is.

There was another vendor selling all flavours of aqua fresca in large cylindrical coolers that looked so refreshing.

Cooked Food
Aww I had the best and friendliest experiences in two booths. One was selling HUGE chicharrones, a pile with meat still attached and one that was just the rind. As I came up close to get a photo, the beautiful younger man and woman offered me a piece to try.

The chicharrone was crispy and crunchy, salted and full of warm fat. I know that might sound kinda gross to anyone fat adverse, but it really was good in a small dose. I definitely couldn’t eat a large piece but am so lucky to try the smaller bit.

Right beside that vendor was another fella. He had a large silver pot filled with plastic bags tied with string. Inside that pot was a smaller container filled with soupy seasoned shredded meat. When I asked him what it was called he said machaca. This lovely man offered me a machaca taco to try. I can tell you it was so delicious. The meat was not spicy at all but really flavourful with hints of tomato, peppers, onions, pepper and cumin.

I had so much fun visiting these markets. I will be back next week for sure. I must go hungry though, so I can try some of the delicious looking offerings. I am so grateful for the kindness shown to me by the local vendors, my neighbours.