I have come to the end of my allowable 90 days inside the Schengen zone which I have spent in southern Spain. Now its time for me to move on to another destination, one which will be a dream come true for me. Join my travel day from Mallorca to Amman Jordan and let’s get this adventure started.

My Travel Day from Mallorca to Amman Jordan
Mallorca to Amman Jordan

Palma de Mallorca PMI

When I saw the cost of the Uber to the airport from the city was €25, I decided to hop on that A1 airport bus. The cost is €5 and it’s a dedicated bus that only takes people going to the airport, no other stops along they way except to pick up more passengers.

Claiming VAT Refund

First thing I wanted to do here was claim my VAT tax refund. When visiting Europe, tourists can save their receipts and when exiting the EU, can request a refund for a large portion of the taxes paid.

Here in Palma, the first step is to go to the kiosk located along the far back wall behind the check-in counters. Here find one that is operational, and simply scan your receipts. If all machines are out of service, use the window at the Guards office.

Once complete, the notice attached on the window at the Civil Guards office, tells you to proceed to the large red money exchange kiosk near the entrance doors.

Here is where things get sketchy. I was naïve enough to think that perhaps the government was hiring this company to provide these refunds at no cost. Instead of manning their own booths which would likely cost more. No. That is not the case.

The government has hired this company to provide the refund, however…..they are charging you the shopper, a hefty sum to do so. I was expecting to get back roughly €128 and I received just under €100. That’s a lot of money for me, and I’m sure other budget travellers to lose out on.

The only way in Palma to get back all of your taxes owed? Visit the government office in the city, before you leave, fill out a bunch of forms and mail them in. Then wait for months to receive the funds by mail. Dang. Korea made this process so much easier!

Palma PMI

After getting through the security lines and passport control, the next portion of the airport is undergoing renovations. Much of the space is dark, has temporary markings and walls, and is confusing to navigate.

Towards the area of the gates, now it opens up to the duty free, shops and restaurants.


My first leg to Frankfurt is fine. Seats are comfy, staff is friendly and the plane is clean. Travellers are provided with a drink of water and one small chocolate on Discover, the leisure line for Lufthansa.

The best part is having a window seat, for the views of the Alps are breathtaking!

Frankfurt FRA

Arriving into Frankfurt the sky was alight with sunbeams and clouds. This airport is fairly dull as far as décor and interest, however there are a number of shops and restaurants to spend your time and money at.

I had a hankering for a light German lunch so with an hour to spare, I was seated at Goethe Bar and enjoyed sausages with potato salad along side a crisp beer. Exactly what I wanted. Cost was €18.70 or $28 CAD OUCH!!


Onto my last flight of the day and this will take me to my next destination. I’m flying Lufthansa and we are provided with a small snack type meal and a bottle of water.

It’s a nighttime flight, so views are next to none. This leg is supposed to arrive at 11pm but instead we left an hour late and now are expected to arrive at 12 midnight. This is causing me some concern as I won’t be out of the airport and to my hotel until between 1 & 2 am and my front desk closes at 12.

Amman AMM

Arriving in the dark, I am extremely excited and very stressed now. Its midnight. Thank goodness I had the wherewithal to pre-book transport from the airport to the hotel. It was expensive, $70 CAD, and with some random agent through Viator, so I’m hoping its all legit.

Upon arrival, tourists who have already purchased the Jordan Pass will join a single queue at passport control. The Jordan Pass includes a waiver for the 40DR ($80 CAD) visa upon entry fee. At the desk, the officer will ask a few standard questions and your visa will be printed out on a piece of paper that you then keep with your passport for the duration of your visit.

I gather my suitcase and head out of the exit. I wasn’t expecting to see a Christmas tree! Seeing my name on a piece of paper is always a luxury I will never tire of, as I have this treat so rarely.

My driver is bundled up so heavily in a long black coat and a scarf tightly wrapped around his face. He tells me to put on a jacket because its cold outside, I reply, ‘Its ok, I’m Canadian’. 😁 In actuality I don’t have a jacket, so the weather will be what it will be.

I’m here folks, in Amman. I am terribly excited and beside myself with fear, stress, exhilaration and everything in-between. Arriving at my hotel at 2am, the door was left open for me. My room is abysmal, dirty, flooded bathroom floor and old food in the fridge. I cannot deal with it right now, I’m exhausted. I tuck into bed with all of my clothes on and conk out for the next few hours.

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