Sayulita is a surf town, and has been so for a very long time. It is what draws many of the visitors the town sees every year. A perfect place to learn to surf and South Beach is where it’s at!

Sayulita Beach
Sayulita has a beautiful long stretch of coast line right in front of the town. At the very southern end of the beach is a small area full of fishing boats and the vehicles that bring them in and out of the water. This little piece is known as Fishermen’s beach.

North of where the river enters the sea, and extending all the way north to as far as you can walk on sand, is North Beach. I wrote a previous post of this stunning stretch of beautiful coast line.

Between Fishermen’s beach and North beach is South Beach. This is the area where the surfers are having a blast and swimmers are playing in the water. A space where beach bums and families are on the sand, building castles and relaxing the sunny days away.

South Beach
South beach is busy! Generally there are three rows deep of chairs and umbrella’s set up, back to back, for the entire length of the sand. Multiple vendors are supplying these chairs for a price, and usually they are affiliated to one of the many beach bars. In front of the rows of chairs are masses of people with their towels and blankets set up for the day.

Not to worry about food, there are people selling all sorts of delicious things such as shrimp on a stick, fruit, candy and nuts and beverages.
The sand is fairly soft for the most part, however it does not extend very far into the ocean. You will see when the tide is out, a large rocky patch of boulders is exposed, mostly where the river dumps into the ocean in rainy season. The waves are breaking past this area, which is what provides the much needed wave action for the surfers.

I generally go down and walk the beach in the morning, mostly to be able to walk unimpeded and for exercise. By mid morning to early afternoon, there are just too many people and dogs running about. The beach does have quite a bit of garbage, so I choose to keep my shoes on while on this stretch.
A favourite thing to do is to come down mid day or at sunset and settle into a spot to watch the surfers. They are just beautiful out there, sitting on their boards, waiting for that perfect wave to arrive.