Always seeking out nature, especially in a large city, I was curious to see what was around me here. Luckily, there are many green spaces in Tirana, small parks full of benches, fountains and statuary. One stands out though, and that is the big & beautiful Grand Park in Tirana.

Big & Beautiful Grand Park in Tirana
Grand Park in Tirana

Getting There

Located about a one-half hour walk from Skanderbeg Square, south of the city (link here). The stroll is easy and pleasant, down the main avenue of Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit and once in Mother Teresa Square, the park is in front of you and to the right.


It really is grand, build in 1956, the park is a whopping 289 hectares and includes a large man-made lake. With extensive walking trails, there are rubber paths for running, an amphitheatre, a church, several memorials, restaurants, cafés and an outdoor gym.


I was surprised to see so many in the park. They are all located towards the entrance area and include tombs and graves of soldiers from WWII. The newest structure is a Holocaust Memorial built in 2020.

St Procopius Church

The only church in Grand Park was built in 1942 and opened its doors just after the end of WWII. Today it sits in a state of reconstruction behind fencing. The plan is to return it to its original form as it was destroyed under the communist regime.

The Lake

A beautiful large lake, so picturesque in the middle of the city. This was a natural body of water, and the river was dammed to enlarge the space to what we see today. All the shorelines that I tried to access were too mucky and muddy to walk upon. The water is cloudy but the ducks and aquatic life sure do love the space.

A favourite pastime has been sitting in any one of numerous lakeside benches to enjoy watching these birds go about their daily activities. The area near the restaurants and cafes, has a firmer surface on which I have seen families taking bread down to the waters edge to feed the ducks.


There are a lot and I was actually a little afraid of getting lost. Some are large and wide, with manicured space on either side. Lovely shade trees all around that form a dappled light when the sun is shining bright.

Other paths are narrow and wind through the more densely and naturally forested areas. It was in these that I did feel some unease. There is crime in this park, so be aware of your surroundings should you find yourself in an isolated area.


It was lovely to see how many people were enjoying this park. Many older folks out for a promenade beside the lake, perhaps stopping to feed the pigeons or have a coffee.

There is an area with a significant number of benches, a gathering space for many people. Here is saw numerous game tables set up and older gents deep in play with the dominoes.

Most people were on the wider paths and the ones towards the extremities of the park. The narrower the paths became, the fewer people I encountered.

Tirana is a busy and bustling city. Early in the mornings, the streets are manageable, but by midday the sidewalks can be crowded. It’s a lovely city to wander around but sometimes a little quite time is needed. Grand Park in Tirana is a perfect place for this. You could easily walk in here for hours and not ever exit the park. A real treasure for the city of Tirana, I dearly hope that this valuable land is preserved as such.

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