If there is one thing that brings me tremendous joy while I travel, it is finding and photographing flowers. I seem to be able to create a post in just about every destination, showcasing the beauty of nature that surrounds me. Here, I have simply been overwhelmed. The beautiful flowers of Sarajevo are prolific and exquisite.

The Beautiful Flowers of Sarajevo
Flowers of Sarajevo


A large portion of my time has been spent wandering over the mountain and hillsides of Sarajevo. Being surrounded on all sides by these wild and natural landscapes, has been a true blessing. The flowers that are growing in this drier season are absolutely beautiful.

Flowers of Sarajevo
Flowers on Mt Trebevic

Almost always, there are swarms of insects buzzing and busying themselves from blossom to blossom. I try and keep my distance, not wanting to disturb or be stung, but I just cannot resist a photo while I have the opportunity.

The number of butterflies too, is astounding. Outside of a butterfly sanctuary, I’m not sure I have ever seen this many in the wild. They are wonderful to see flitting from flower to flower, and so very busy.


I wasn’t expecting this, but being here has brought back a lot of memories from last summer in Plovdiv Bulgaria. And its because of the roses! Here they clamour over fences, spray with abandon over a concrete wall or simply cascade into the streets and alleys, escaping their gardens.

These are not the roses I am used too, pruned to little bushes and looking very English. No, these are wild looking, more native and free flowing, very confident and lazy indeed.


Walking through the rainbow now, lets cover the rest with photos. The yellows are always eye catching as they mimic the sun for me. Bringing a brightness to my brain that is sometimes in a very dark place. Their happy smiling faces, forever turning towards the sun, are so cheery.


One of my very favourite colours of flowers are the pinks. All shades, from the brightest fuchsia to the pale and buttery baby pink. Their softness, and delicate state of affairs is simple so feminine and pretty. I love them.


Such a classy colour, the reds are luscious and romantic. They make me think of love, and always stand out in any garden for their complete contrast to all of the greenery. These ones made my camera roll for their bold and striking temperaments.


The softest and most fragile looking are the whites. Usually not a dominant colour for flowers, plants with white blossoms tend to be less prolific. I find more wild whites than I do cultivated here. And by this I don’t necessarily mean on the mountain wild, but growing from ditches and crevices in the walls. These are perhaps weeds in some people’s eyes but I find them quite lovely.

I could ramble on for ages about all of the natural beauty that surrounds me here in Sarajevo. It has been an absolute joy to wander the streets, lanes and alleys and find all of these treasures. The thing with flowers is how fleeting they are, no two are every going to be exactly the same and once they are gone, that’s it. The photo is all that is left of their exquisite presence.

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