With two main options for a good hike from the city, I chose this one as it looked like it might offer the best views. What a day, spent slowing walking uphill, absorbing all of the small wonders and enjoying that extraordinary scenery. Hiking to the Fortica Skywalk in Mostar is simply amazing.

Hiking to the Fortica Skywalk in Mostar
Fortica Skywalk in Mostar

Google Maps

I use this a lot and for the most part, this maps app seems to work fairly well. However, this day, Google Maps did me dirty. The route it gave me had me walking through someone’s farm, with abandoned vehicles, a large guard dog and rusty metal fences across my path.

If you are starting from the west bank like I was, a better route is to walk to the train station. Here on the left side, you will see a short tunnel. If you follow this road, it will take you all the way up to the skywalk and you won’t have to risk making some farmer or his dog angry.


The area is currently extremely dry and crisp. Along the way one will see wild fig trees and many blackberries, however most of these are inedible due to the dry state of affairs. While walking, a fire truck and tanker passed me going at great speed. When I looked up, there was indeed a tower of smoke rising into the morning sunlight from high atop the hill.

Fortica Park

This entire area has been given the unofficial name of Fortica Park. A prepared hiker could go for days here, exploring waterfalls and caves too. For the day hike though, once you are about ¾ of the way to the top, you will see where the road forks. Choose the left side and continue to climb.

At an outdoor gym, there is a small trail that goes up and to the left. I took this and it guided me up to and underneath the Skywalk. There is, or was a swing at one time too. Now it looks dried and broken and is strapped to the frame.

Fortica Skywalk

As I climbed through the brush ever upwards, I did indeed reach Fortica Skywalk. I was thrilled when I found a café that was open, for I generally do not bring anything to drink or eat on my day hikes.

The skywalk itself is marvellous, offering sweeping views of the city of Mostar and the opposing mountains and countryside. The bottom is clear glass and to walk out and enjoy all of this is entirely free!

Zip Line

I’m not sure this is operational any more, for I didn’t even really realize it was here until I was leaving and saw a fence with a sign. There is a zip line that opened in 2021. When open for business, it will take visitors across the valley to the next mountain. I could see a hut there while I was climbing up, and now I realize what that structure is for.

Flora & Fauna

Plenty of scrub, some small mangled looking pine trees and lots of bugs is what you will see as you climb at this time of year. I can imagine in the spring time; the carpets of wild flowers up here must be heavenly.

As a complete surprise, when I went off track to have a look at some unusual rock formations on my decent, I found a turtle, well two in fact! Who knew land turtles would be one of my highlights today.

This little fella was trucking along to my right. When I approached, he tucked himself into his shell. I felt terrible as he looked so completely parched. Having a small bottle of sparkling water with me, I filled a cap full and placed it in front of his head. He popped out moments later and had a sniff, then turned tail and left. Perhaps because this was spicy water, he chose not to partake. 😂🐢

Nearby I heard a rustle under a huge fig tree. Glancing into the dead leaves piled near the base of the trunk, I saw another turtle, a friend or mate. My guess is that these two, and probably many more are surviving off the figs that are currently ripe and dropping to the ground in droves.

The Views

Absolutely stunning and ever present. Without many trees and no buildings, the views all the way up and down are incredible. What can I say that these pictures don’t.

Views of Mostar
Looking down at Old Town

This is definitely a hike I would encourage anyone to do who feels up to it. Visitors can drive to the Skywalk, and in fact every single other person I saw up there did. The walking and exploring in nature gave me the opportunity to see and feel this beautiful area of the country. Being present in these moments, with nature, is a highlight of my time spent in Mostar.

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