I was on a hike this morning, and was feeling a little out of sorts. I don’t know why I was feeling like this today, but it made me realize that I have not thought about gratitude enough lately. While I was walking in a big beautiful park surrounded by glorious nature, I thought about the 5 things I am grateful for today.

5 Things I am Grateful for Today

1 My Legs

Without hesitation, this was the first thing that popped into my head. I looked down at my feet, marching along, carrying me forward, and I couldn’t help but feel gratitude. My legs provide me with freedom. They keep my body healthy in the most important way for me, walking. Being able to move freely through this world is everything.

2 My Eyes

They are my window. My eyes allow me to see this huge planet in all of its glory. I can behold the most beautiful things in the world. While my eyesight is not the best, it is everything.

3 My Children

I have three kids. They are the coolest and most incredible human beings I know. Each one is unique, strong and amazingly courageous. The perseverance, fortitude and fierceness these kids have is admirable. I love them with every ounce of myself. They are my everything.

4 My Determination

I am so grateful that I am strong and independent. My pure stubbornness and determination has gotten me though the toughest times during which I thought I may not survive. I have earned everything I have and although it may not be much to some people, to me it is everything.

5 My Freedom

Being able to travel and explore this beautiful world we live in is incredible. I am grateful every day for where I am in my life right now. The freedom I have to wander and lead a nomadic life is everything.

Wow, I am so lucky. 😊

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