There is a lot to do and see in this city. Much of it will be included in your Jordan Pass if you chose to purchase one before entering Jordan. If you did not, many of the sites are a minimal fee of 1-3DR. As a budget traveller, I’m always looking to save money. So here are 5 free things to do in Madaba as well.

Market Area
I love a good market, and while there is not a singular one here, I did find an authentic area of the city that has the feel of a market. While I was here, there were no other tourists around. I was able to interact with the curious locals and had such a fun time.
I’ll put a google link here to the general area. Its fairly compact, walking around a small neighbourhood. Expect to find lots of local items being made from scratch, even shoes from old rubber scraps! There are metal work shops, lots of produce stands and carts and of course food. This is a marvellous area to see and experience how regular every day life in Jordan is.
Tourist Street
Now for a different experience tailored for the visitors, is the area known as Tourist Street. You will know you have arrived because the sidewalks are in great condition, and most shop fronts will have matching brown wooden signs with black lettering.

This is a fun area to wander around and see all of the colourful handicrafts of Jordan. From old Bedouin jewellery to vibrant hand died, wool carpets, there is no shortage of beautiful things to see. Shopkeepers are friendly and not pushy, so it’s a pleasant experience to spend time browsing and admiring what is before you.

Mosaic Map
Possibly the biggest draw to the city of Madaba is the famous Mosaic Map. Located inside St. George Church, which is currently undergoing renovations, this is free to see.

The church is currently empty of pews and decorations and the map takes centre stage behind a rope. Created in the 5th century, this small portion is all that is left of the once massive map. It originally measured 15 meters by 6 meters.

The area visitors will see today shows Lebanon in the north and the Nile Delta in the south. To the west is the Mediterranean Sea and the East is Amman. At the centre is a detailed city map of Jerusalem including the original street names.
The King Hussein Mosque rises tall and bright on the skyline of Madaba. It’s a beautiful newer holy place, built by the king in honour of his grandfather, the first king of Jordan.

For a view from up above, climb the bell tower in the Church of the Beheading of St John the Baptist. During opening hours, you can visit the interior of the mosque as well. It was closed when I tried, but a local took me over, pried open and window and allowed me to see inside.
Fighter Jet
A bit of an oddball in this otherwise bustling market town, is the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter from the Royal Jordanian Air Force. Located at a round-a-bout just outside the city centre, this is an interesting monument to get up close and person with.

Visitors can walk right up, take photos and marvel at the sleek design of this iconic 20th century fighter jet.
Madaba is an amazing city. I cannot stress enough how delightful it is to spend time here. A night and day comparison to Amman, this city is relaxed, cheerful and welcoming. People here are friendly and curious of travellers, and there is a plethora of things to see and do. Enjoy!
Seems like a delightful unspoilt town to visit; thanks for posting pictures of the wonderful people of Jordan who are so kind, welcoming and curious. The markets are always a good indication of local life; all the essentials and interestingly arranged – such attention to detail. Lovely.
Thanks very much for your kind comments Josie. Madaba is indeed a friendly town set within a beautiful agricultural region of Jordan. There is much to see and do there, to experience both the history of the area and the Jordanian way of life.