I have been in this part of Turkey now for a month and have discovered some interesting and fun things to see that won’t cost a dime. As a budget traveller, I am always happy when I can be out and about, exploring a destination and not spending dollars. Here are 5 free things to do in Antalya Turkey should you be looking for ideas.

5 Free Things to Do in Antalya
Karaalioglu Park, one of 5 free things to do in Antalya

Old Town Kaleici

I gravitate to old places, old towns and ancient sites. I found a gem here in Antalya, it is Kaleici the oldest part of the city. Settled more than 2,000 years ago, many of the buildings from the Ottoman rule, are present today. Even some ancient Roman ruins are around to see.

Walking through this maze of little streets and alleys and you will see colourful buildings, so many friendly cats and new discoveries at every turn.

Karaalioglu Parki

Located just outside of Old Town is this beautiful big park right above the towering cliffs overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. On a clear day, you can see stunning views of the Taurus Mountains in all their glory.

Wander through the grassy glades, and find creative statues, shade trees and benches to sit and relax. If you are feeling peckish, there are eateries inside the park too.

Again, many cats are present here, should you take a seat, you are more than likely to be befriended. 😻

Watch Tower

If you walk the path from the ancient Roman harbour to Karaalioglu Park, you will pass by a gorgeous and huge stone watch tower, Hidirlik Tower. Built in the 2nd century, this was later used as a lighthouse.

Today there is extensive excavation work being done around the grounds, so although you cannot go right up to and inside the tower, you can admire its beautiful from the edge of the park. I liked to stand for a while and watch the archaeologists and civic engineers going about their work, uncovering more beautiful ancient walls and treasures buried in the ground below.

Hadrian’s Gate

No trip to Antalya is complete without seeing Hadrian’s Gate. This marvellous ancient marble gateway through the old walls is the last remaining one in Kaleici. Constructed in 130AD, of three huge archways, you can walk through the centre and see the ruts in the stone floor from the wheels of carts thousands of years old.

Hadrian’s Gate
Ruts from carriage wheels
Taking it all in
Free things to do in Antalya

Take a seat on the steps of a nearby bench and admire the carved marble detailing, watch locals feeding the pigeons and bask in the warm Turkish breeze.

Kirk Merdiven

Located between the old town of Kaleici and the Roman harbour, is a set of 44 stairs. These are the Kirk Merdiven. Built by the Venetians in the 16th century, the stairs provided a direct link up to the wall and through a gate that no longer stands.

This staircase is one of the few remaining visible signs of the short lived, Venetian domination of the land. Walking up or down, one must be careful, they are heavily worn from hundreds of years of use and are very slippery, even when dry. Pause midway for a beautiful view of the harbour and photo opportunity.

Another post will follow shortly as there are so many things I found to do and see in Antalya, and all for free!

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