For my long walk this morning, I decided it was going to be a beach day. Having already visited Nessebar South Beach a couple of times, I was curious about the beaches to the north of the city. I found 3 beautiful beaches near Nessebar that are just as lovely as South Beach.

Rich Beach
The closest one to my flat is Rich Beach. It also happens to be the smallest. Looming over this beach is a big beautiful condo building, one of the prettier ones I have seen around town.

Rich Beach has a rocky and impassable shoreline to the left, and is a tiny little cove of tan sand, soft and fluffy and clean. It is set up with sunbeds and umbrellas that can be rented for 10 LEV each. There is even a little restaurant on site should you get the munches during your visit.

No Name Beach
Walking past a small rocky pier at the far end of Rich Beach is a lovely stretch of sand, probably four times as big as Rich Beach. I am unable at the time of writing to find a name for this beach. There was a considerable amount of seaweed here today, but workers were busy cleaning it up. No Name Beach provides a long stretch of loungers and umbrellas for rent, change areas, as well as a cute little restaurant called Azzaila.
The water here is crystal clear except towards the far end where the seaweed is the thickest. Not only is the weed on the beach but it is also in the water.

Olympic Hopes Beach
Walking further on, up and over another rocky pier I arrived at Olympic Hopes Beach, a direct translation from Bulgarian.

This stretch of sand goes on for a while. Not very wide in some places and bordered by concrete retaining walls that come almost to the waters edge, I was still able to pass and walk the entire cove.

At the far end is a super wide and flat sand bar lined with a few beach clubs. Here is a large man-made rocky pier that several fishermen were busy casting from.

OzzOne the cutest beach bar ever, was situated right at the pier. Who ever decorated this club has a great eye for current trends and sourcing. From the macrame curtains to the pink and green accents, everything was vibing.

I found a lot of sea glass on Olympic Hopes Beach, probably from the restaurants situated above those retaining walls. The number of bottles that have been turfed over the edges and into the water over the years, have provided a great source of glass. I will say, I was getting many odd looks, bending to pick up the glass. Clearly, sea glass collecting is not a thing here in Bulgaria.

I also found so many pretty little shells. While I didn’t keep any, I admired their cuteness nestled into the soft sand at the waters edge.

I am thrilled to be in an area with so many beaches just waiting to be discovered. So far, except for a couple of tiny beaches in Old Nessebar, all have been sand! Ooooo, I’m in summertime heaven here. ☺️